About us
ElcoBank.Com is an initiative by professionals of Electronic Components Industry to provide a neutral platform to all traders, emerging brokers, electronic equipment manufacturers and distributors in the electronic components & test equipment industry.
The electronics industry every day faces a huge problem of excess stocks at all levels. Be it at manufacturer, distributor, brokers or even a trading company. In fast changing environment the manufacturers of electronic equipment’s face this issue more than anyone else. Many times excess at one place can be a crucial part for someone else.
With this platform we intend to help everyone in the chain to reduce their excess or sell their regular inventory. Our specialised team with over 50 years of combined experience in electronic components industry will review your inventory and try to find a prospective buyer.
We aim to help our partners to increase their cash flow by reducing their inventory, accelerate time to market, increase productivity and create a neutral market place where everyone can source or sell all kind of components like integrated circuits, diodes, transistors, Capacitors, resistors, testing equipment, plant machinery or just anything related to electronics industry.
So don’t wait, Join us and let us sell for you.